
You and your spouse can each apply for coverage to a maximum of $50,000. Together, you could have up to $100,000 of protection for your family.

Monthly* premium per $25,000 of coverage
Male Female
Age as of July 1** Non-Smoker*** Smoker Non-Smoker*** Smoker
24 or less $3.60 $4.30  $3.05  $3.60 
25 - 29 $3.90  $5.00  $3.80  $4.70 
30 - 34 $4.50  $6.45  $5.15  $6.60 
35 - 39 $5.45  $8.80  $6.80  $9.20 
40 - 44 $8.00  $14.25  $9.90  $14.35 
45 - 49 $12.25  $23.15  $14.10  $21.70 
50 - 54 $19.55  $37.05  $19.85  $31.90 
55 - 59 $33.05  $60.20  $28.95  $48.10 
60 - 64 $56.30  $94.75  $43.80  $73.05 
65 - 69 $89.80 $147.50 $66.65  $109.85 
70 - 74 $151.05  $237.30  $94.65  $158.95 
 75  Coverage terminates