Important Information

All Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (serving and former) and their spouses. Applicants must be under the age of 70 and be a Canadian resident. Providing they are also applying for coverage, either the Member or their spouse can also apply for dependent children who are under age 21 (up to 24 if they are enrolled full-time at a post-secondary school). 

Note: If you already have $50,000 of Guaranteed Acceptance Critical Illness Insurance under this plan you are not eligible for this offer. If you already have $25,000 of Guaranteed Acceptance Critical Illness Insurance you may only apply for an additional $25,000.

In order to purchase Critical Illness Insurance for your children under the SISIP Financial Insurance Plan you or your spouse must already be insured for, or applying for Critical Illness Insurance. If both you and your spouse are Members, only one of you can apply to cover your children.

Spouses must meet the policy definition for spouse. Spouses/partners must meet the policy definition for spouse.

Here are some of the more important limitations and exclusions you should be aware of before you apply for coverage:

Your Guaranteed Acceptance coverage is subject to a Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion. In general terms, this means that no benefit will be paid during the first 24 months after you purchase this insurance for any medical condition, or any evidence leading to a medical condition, which was present in the 24 months prior to your purchase. However, if you apply and are accepted for medically underwritten critical illness insurance, the Pre-Existing Condition exclusion will be removed.

  • Any covered condition or AdvanceCare Benefit Condition diagnosed* prior to the effective date of coverage is excluded.
  • If the insured person is diagnosed* with a benign brain tumour, cancer or early stage cancer within the first 90 days of coverage, or with multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's within the first year of coverage, a benefit will not be payable and the diagnosed* condition will no longer be considered a covered condition for the insured.
  • A diagnosis* of Benign Brain Tumour, Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s within the applicable limitation period will also result in any condition under MEC Group 3 no longer being payable (specialmarkets.ia.ca/mec).
  • No Cancer Recurrence Benefit will be paid if the first instance of cancer was diagnosed* before the effective date of coverage under this policy.
  • No benefit will be paid if the covered condition or AdvanceCare Benefit condition results from: attempted suicide, alcohol or drug abuse, self-inflicted injury, or participation in a criminal act.

The following exclusions also exist but do not apply if the activities are performed as a result of your service with the Canadian Armed Forces.

  • No benefit will be paid if the covered condition or AdvanceCare Benefit condition results from taking poison or inhaling gas, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
  • No benefit will be paid if the covered condition or AdvanceCare Benefit condition results from flying as a student pilot or flying as a privately licensed pilot for less than 25 hours or more than 400 hours per year.
  • For paralysis, blindness, deafness, severe burns, stroke, coma, or loss of limbs no benefit will be paid if the condition is a result of participating in amateur or professional boxing, bungee jumping, B.A.S.E jumping, cliff diving, mountain climbing, motor vehicle racing or speed competition on land and/or water, parachuting or underwater activities, including scuba diving or snuba diving.

Some illnesses have exclusions, refer to the full illness definition list for details.

* Including signs, symptoms or investigations leading directly or indirectly to a Diagnosis of any cancer (covered or not covered under the Policy), regardless of when the Diagnosis is made

Coverage terminates on the earliest of the following dates:

  • the end of the policy year following the date on which the member reaches age 75;
  • the date of any unpaid premiums;
  • the date the Group Policy between the Chief of the Defence Staff and Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. terminates;
  • with regard to your spouse's Critical Illness Insurance, the earliest of the above or the end of the policy year following the date they reach age 75, or the end of the month in which they no longer qualify as a "spouse"

With regards to dependent children's Critical Illness Insurance, coverage terminates on the earliest of the following dates:

  • the date on which the member and/or spouse's coverage ceases for any reason (in order to maintain child coverage at least one of the member or spouse must be insured);
  • the end of the month in which they no longer qualify as a "dependent child";
  • the date the benefit is paid for a dependent child.

The Covered Condition Benefit is a tax-free, lump-sum benefit which will be paid if you are diagnosed* with one of the 25 covered critical illnesses. The insured person must survive for 30 days (90 days for paralysis, loss of independent existence or bacterial meningitis, 180 days for multiple sclerosis or loss of speech) after first being diagnosed for a benefit payment to be made.

* Including signs, symptoms or investigations leading directly or indirectly to a Diagnosis of any cancer (covered or not covered under the Policy), regardless of when the Diagnosis is made


“Spouse” means the legal or common-law spouse of a Member. Legal spouse is a person who is legally married to and cohabiting with the Member and with whom there is no formal or informal agreement of separation. Common-law spouse is a person who is cohabiting in a marriage-like relationship with the Member.

Dependent child means any natural child, step-child or legally adopted child to whom you are providing full parental support and who is unmarried and less than 21 years of age (up to 24 if they are full- time post-secondary student) as of the date of application.

Insurance will take effect on the date your completed application is received by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. and your first month's premium has been paid.

If your spouse or dependent child(ren) no longer meet the eligibility requirement under this group policy, you should contact our Client Service line on 1-855-747-4717.  A Client Service Team Member will walk you through the necessary steps.  Termination requests must be submitted in writing.

When our office is advised of your ineligibility (in writing) within 6 months of the ineligibility date, you may be entitled to a 6 month premium refund.

Critical Illness Definitions

25 life-changing illnesses

These are the 2013 Critical Illness Benchmark Definitions published by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA). If you are insured under a Special Markets Solutions group critical illness insurance plan, please refer to your Insurance Benefits Summary or booklet wording for the definitions currently in force under your group insurance plan.